Star Wars on Blu-ray Disc
Probably the most anticipated release, STAR WARS - The Complete Saga has finally come to Blu-ray Disc! Each film is presented in 2.35:1 letter box at 1080/24P with DTS HD MA 6.1 sound. Despite some issues such as excessive dynamic range compression and edge enhancement, these are the best these films have looked and sounded on any home video format to date.
Once again, George Lucas has made more "changes" to these classic films, some for the better and others considered to be not so great.
The 9 disc box [pictured above] features all 6 films along with 3 discs [yes they are all BDs] of extras including the original making of documentaries from the 1977, 1980 and 1983. The deleted scenes are also worth a look.
Overall this box set is good value for money and a must add for any BD collection.
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